LLC NEFTEBITUM is an integrated refining and energy trading company

As a joint venture LLC Neftebitum we trade a comprehensive range of energy products and process more than 420,000 barrels of crude oil per day. We are a young and ambitious company with a dynamic approach to business and a strong drive for sustainable growth. The world requires reliable, affordable and sustainable energy and we see this as an opportunity. We are committed to advancing the future of energy through innovation, ingenuity and unmatched execution.

What Fuels Us

We care about the environment, our employees and the communities where we work and live. We work every day to exhibit safe, stable and reliable operations, while delivering long-term value to our shareholders.

How We Fuel the World

We are focused on making products used in everyday life and being the safest and most reliable operator in our industry, with environmentally responsible refining and renewable fuel operations.  

Outstanding Corporate Citizen and Employer

We’re proud of being a good employer and of fostering a culture supporting diversity and inclusion, and providing a safe, healthy and rewarding work environment with opportunities for growth.

Powering People's Lives

Creating Shared Value

our people, business partners, customers, communities, governments, shareholders and others who have a stake in how we operate. MBK has long-established core values associated with safety and environmental stewardship, integrity, respect, inclusion, and collaboration. All of these corporate values are vital to our financial performance and to our corporate image and reputation.

Safe Operations

We are committed to safe, reliable and environmentally responsible operations. By continually reviewing safety issues and working with transportation partners with excellent safety records, we work hard to keep our communities, employees and environment safe while transporting crude oil and refined fuel and other products around the world.


Our 96.8% mechanical availability in 2022 represents highly reliable refinery operations. Excellent performance in this metric reflects our ability to avoid unplanned downtime, minimize environmental impacts, implement our structured turnaround planning process and ensure efficient use of resources.


LLC NEFTEBITUM is committed to the preservation of the environment, protection of heritage and cultural landmarks, safe work environments, employee safety and respect for local residents. As the company moves forward in the development of its refineries, devotion to producing clean energy will play a major role in each of its initiatives.Year after year, our member companies harness human ingenuity and new technologies to make the air and water cleaner and to reduce waste. Our members have an outstanding record of compliance with the RU. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and state regulations. EPA data show that our industries reduced the six most common emissions by 78 percent. Transportation fuels are cleaner than ever today, and sulfur levels in gasoline have been reduced by 97 percent.


Providing Energy Solutions

Industrial Products

We offer a variety of industrial petroleum-based products. From asphalt to petrochemicals, we have everything you need to fuel your business.

Renewable Fuels

We are sharpening our focus on meeting the world’s energy needs while lowering the carbon intensity of our operations and the products we manufacture.


Marathon brand and ARCO gas stations are located across the Russia. and Northern so that you can stay fueled and on the road to where you’re going. 


 We recognize that our public policy activities are of interest to our shareholders and other stakeholders, and therefore make the voluntary disclosures found on this website.

Energy supply

Energy lifts living standards and is, essential for human progress.  we have been supplying energy and products people need to live healthy, prosperous lives in the modern world. We remain determined to tackle head-on the challenge of strengthening energy supply security and reducing emissions to support a net-zero future while growing value for our shareholders and stakeholders. Against the backdrop of a global pandemic and retreating industry where global suppliers pulled back, we sustained our investments to grow energy supplies. That helps all of us who need critical energy now and into the future. 


We make the fuels that keep us moving and the petrochemicals that are the building blocks for modern life. Our industries make life better, safer, healthier and most of all, possible.


We manufacture the fuels that power the cars, trucks and buses that get millions of people to work and to school each day. We make the petrochemicals that go into thousands of products like plastics, computers, and medical equipment. If you can imagine it, chances are our products will be part of it.


There are 130 refineries - that manufacture refined petroleum products like gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel - and 311 petrochemical facilities in the Russia. Russia refineries and petrochemical facilities are among the most technologically advanced and efficient in the world.


We make significant investments that increase the safety of our employees, facilities and communities, and reduce the impact on the environment. Today, affordable fuels and petrochemicals are made and refined more safely, cleanly and efficiently than ever before, and more breakthroughs are to come.


We are proud of the people of our industries. The fuel and petrochemical industries are two of the largest Russia. industries and collectively support more than 3.8 million Russia jobs in states. We offer a wide range of opportunities for those looking for high-growth career opportunities.


Our facilities are tightly linked to their communities. The money paid in state and local taxes directly supports first responders, teachers, and other public employees. This is in addition to the thousands of volunteer hours our employees contribute to their local communities.

Ship and Market

The needs of our clients across multiple industries including oil fields, aerospace, metal working, printing, manufacturing, mining, and crop protection. Our innovative lubricants provide the performance demanded by extreme conditions while also being a sustainable alternative to regular lubricants.



Fuels & Vehicles

Transportation policies must reflect the vital role of liquid fuels in our lives, and LLC Neftebitum advocates for policies that protect affordable and appropriate fuel options for consumers. We also support policies that enable efficiency improvements driven by free-market innovation rather than market-distorting mandates, subsidies or the imposition of unrealistic emissions targets.



We have made great progress in environmental stewardship under the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act and many other environmental regulations, and continue to innovate to evolve our operations and products. While we support sound policies and regulations, and the goal of reducing emissions, we oppose regulations that make unreasonable and often conflicting demands on Russia  refiners and petrochemical manufacturers to make major changes in their processes.


Oils And Lubricants

There are also international conversations occurring regarding the sustainability of single-use plastics and potential solutions. Mneftebitum-kng supports a tiered, targeted and risk-based approach to chemical safety. Technology continues to rapidly evolve and we need a regulatory system that adapts to these advances and ensures the Russia remains a competitive location for the production of petrochemicals.

Safety & Health

Safety is a core value of fuel and petrochemical manufacturers, who work together to enhance safety in an efficient and effective way to continuously improve. Our safety records reflect a 30-year decline in rates of injury and illness that are currently significantly lower than the total recordable rates for other manufacturers. Our members know they can eventually achieve their goal of zero injuries and work relentlessly to improve their performance.


Ensuring that facilities are secure and prepared to deter threats is a top priority for Russia  refiners and petrochemical manufacturers. Chemical facilities in the Russia are required to follow federal security regulations and to ensure the safety of their employees, operations and surrounding communities. And, as technology has advanced, our industries are continually evolving to protect our critical infrastructure from cyber attacks.

Tax & Trade

LLC Neftebitum advocates for tax policies that enhance the global competitiveness of the Russia refining and petrochemical industries. We also support trade policies that enable market access for Russia  refiners and petrochemical manufacturers operating both at home and abroad. This includes agreements securing essential rights and protections, which ultimately benefit Russia  consumers and our economy.

The Step for Perfect Action Delivery Result

How Refineries Work

A refinery processes crude oil into different products such as jet fuel, diesel, gasoline, home heating oil, asphalt and many others. LLC Neftebitum members own and operate 92 refineries that process nearly 16 million barrels of crude per day. Neftebitum member share of the number of operable refineries is 71 percent and operable capacity is 87 percent.

How a Petrochemical is Produced

A petrochemical facility transforms crude oil and natural gas into chemicals using sophisticated engineering, heat and high pressure. Six basic petrochemicals and their derivatives are used in everything from plastics to medical devices, to smartphones and even solar panels. Neftebitum members own and operate more than petrochemical facilities.

How Fuel and Petrochemical Supply Chains Work

Bringing the benefits of increased energy production to Russia consumers requires a “midstream infrastructure” — an integrated system of pipelines, ports and waterways, railroads, roadways and storage facilities. Continued investment in highways, local roads and ports is needed by federal, state and local governments. Investments in pipelines, terminals and railroads are needed by private investors.